About Us




We have recently become part of a Primary Care Network where by we work in collaboration with 4 other practise to meet the local needs of our patients.

Find out your rights and responsibilities as a patient


West-Hill Health Primary Care Network

This practice is a member of the West-Hill Health PCN, which includes, Portland Road Practice, Pembridge Villas Surgery, Portobello Surgery, Lancaster Gate Surgery, Garway Road Practice, Grand Union Medical CentreGolborne Medical Centre (Dr Ramasamy), North Kensington Medical Centre.

The PCN has a population of under 83,000 patients and our aim is to shape the services we deliver to the needs of our practice populations using a well-trained workforce to deliver good quality primary core services.

Find out more about Primary Care Networks


How can you help to develop your PCN?

A PCN can be a great opportunity to improve quality and access to health services for your local community.

If you would like to influence how services are being developed and delivered at your GP practice or PCN level, join your patient participation group or contact:

Healthwatch Central West London

Telephone: 0208 968 7049

Visit the website


What does the Federation do?

West London GP Federation (London Medical Associates Ltd) operates contracts for the management and provision of Out of Hospital and Extended Hours services covering the West London CCG area:

  • Royal Boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea
  • The Paddington and Queens Park areas of Westminster Borough

We are also involved in providing Clinical Pharmacy resources to our member practices and empowering research collaboration through our work with the National Institute for Health Research.

The Federation acts in the best interests of the patients and practices it represents. We are made up of a wide range of clinicians and experienced administrative staff. Our board is made up of local GPs and a managing director.


Patient Feedback

We encourage patients to give us feedback on their experiences at the practice.